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Principle of Management Term Paper free essay sample

Principle of Management Term Report HR Management in HBL: Submitted To: Ms. Samra tayyab Date: 05th Jan, 2008 Acknowledgements We deem it an honor to our respected teacher her guidance and help that she has provided throughout this course of principle of Management. Because of her patience and extended knowledge over the subject, we were not only able to understand the course but also took keen interest in her lectures. Without her suggestions and advises we would not have been able to produce this report according to their requirement of standard. In doing so we are grateful to the many people who have given their time and guidance to help us in our report writing. Our special thanks to Mr. Syed A. Shahab, AVP, Human Resource Department, Habib Bank Limited, who was very cooperative and provided us with all the relevant details pertaining to the scope of Information Management. We are also grateful to the people in the Corporate HR, MIS and Accounts Department for the detailed information regarding the management solutions used in HBL. We will write a custom essay sample on Principle of Management Term Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We would also like to thank our family, friends, and course fellows who were a continuous source of encouragement and moral support. We all have worked hard to use our limited time and resources to bring this report up to the desired standard. Group Members: Rafay usman Shariq ameen Muhammad junaid ashraf Alina parvaiz khaula khan Executive Summary In this report we have applied all of what we have learnt in this course. Special emphasis is laid on the mapping of Information Management Lifecycle onto HBL’s Human Resource Department. We have also mentioned the different kinds of Information Management Solutions being used by HBL, and their role in the HR Department. To make the information as accurate as possible we have visited different department as to know how they disseminate, share, collect, store, and retrieve information between themselves and the HR Department. By visiting the Habib Plaza, we came to know that HBL is a very huge organization spread worldwide. The report takes a holistic perspective of the role of management in the Human Resource department of HBL. HR Department is responsible for forwarding all the relevant information and requisitions to the Global HR Department. Like any other organization HBL relies on the HR department for the induction processes. Its functions include going through CVs, interviewing prospective employees, training and development, salary fixing, the validation of problems of hiring and firing employees, arrangement of meetings and seminars and recruitment program. Human resource management is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organizations most valued assets; the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the attainment of the business objectives. HBL’s HR department is currently using two Business Solution Software; Misys and Internal Job Posting System. Misys is a very comprehensive Management solution and was purchased for Billions of rupees, its total cost is kept confidential. Misys is said to be a kind of software which can handle all different kinds of the Bank’s operations including the HR Department. IJP on the other hand is used for updating and providing information to recruit new employees, both for national and international vacancies. Contents |Topic |Page No. | |2 | |Introduction | | | |4 | |Identification of Information Needs | | | |4 | |Authorization | | | |5 | |Acquisition (Collection) and Creation of Information | | | |6 | |Organizing, Maintenance, and Storage/Retention | | | |7 | |Information Dissemination and Circulation or Usage | | | |7 | |Information Deletion | | | |8 | |Conclusions and Recommendations | | | |10 | |Bibliography | | Introduction Habib Bank Limited (HBL) is the largest bank in Pakistan and a thoroughly established banking chain throughout the world. An extensive network of 1425 branches in Pakistan and 55 international branches makes it one of the largest banks in Pakistan today. Habib Bank Plaza located in Karachi, is the formal headquarters of the bank. The bank has a network outside Pakistan including USA, UK, Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa. Habib Bank offers the following services to its customers; †¢ Commercial Banking †¢ Corporate Banking †¢ Investment Banking †¢ International Group Banking †¢ Retail Banking †¢ Treasury †¢ Islamic Banking Habib Bank Limited has a separate Global Human Resources department in addition to its corporate Human Resource Department. The major functions of HR department are handled by the global HR. After Habib Bank was privatized in 1997, the organization was not completely decentralized. Thus HR of every group is submissive to the Global HR. Human resources management comprises several processes. Together they are supposed to achieve the above mentioned goal. These processes can be performed in an HR department, but some tasks can also be outsourced or performed by line-managers or other departments. †¢ Workforce planning †¢ Recruitment †¢ Induction and Orientation †¢ Skills management †¢ Training and development †¢ Personnel administration †¢ Compensation in wage or salary †¢ Time management †¢ Travel management †¢ Payroll †¢ Employee benefits administration Personnel cost planning †¢ Performance appraisal †¢ Outplacement Identification of Information Needs The sole purpose of the HR department is hiring, firing, recruitment, selection and training. But the identification most of the times is done by the other f unctional area of HBL. That is, if some other functional department (Finance, Accounts, Operation or Marketing) is in need of additional staff, therefore, it will identify its need and communicate it with the Human resource department. Another task of the HR department is the staff analysis so when the time of promotion or downsizing comes, the top management has to acquire information from the HR. Hence, HR has to collaborate with other Functional Department Heads so that it can forward the files of those employees who are eligible for promotion. Cost analysis is one of the main tasks of the HR. The HBL President takes the support of HR in reviewing the progress of the bank. The HR is consulted to find the present payroll of the employees because the HR deals in the provision of salaries to the staff. Authorization Although this has the least importance in the HR, however, there are some key resources involved. When the HR is the task for recruitment of employees, it forwards the requisition to the Global HR which is the sole authority of the induction processes. There are net links and firewalls. Majority of the PCs are linked to intra net instead of internet to protect from viruses. Only top management is allowed filtered access to internet. Hence if some information is not present in the databases then either first the employees have to contact the top management and obtain authorization to use the internet or information is collected from PCs outside the organization. Acquisition (Collection) and Creation of Information Information can be gathered by creating or collecting. The HBL’s HR department collects the information from the other functional areas of the organization (For e. g. ; Finance, Marketing, Accounts, NXE, Operations, and Leasing). When the requisition for the recruitment, cost analysis or staff analysis comes from the middle managers, a copy of that is also sent to the top management level for its confirmation. This is mainly done just before the requisition is provided to the Global HR department. When applicants respond to the advertisements of job opportunities, their CVs, resumes and application forms are collected accordingly and then they are documented in a proper and organized manner so that they can be forwarded to the Global HR department for the interview process. For foreign applicants, the HR department makes use of ‘Internal Job Posting System’ to send the available vacancies in the near future. The job particulars include position, responsibilities, skills/knowledge, grade/position, Vacant Positions, Educational Qualification and Years of Experience alongwith the applicant’s particulars performa. In this manner the acquisition and collection of information is carried out in the most effective and efficient manner. [See Exhibit 1 and 2 on the Following pages, with the courtesy of AVP, Group HR, HBL] Other ways of collecting information are: †¢ Performance Appraisals: It has a scale which provides the information about how well an employee is performing. †¢ Personal contacts within and outside the organization. †¢ Graduating directories from different universities. †¢ Questionnaires to be filled by people from different departments. These questionnaires decide upon the level of satisfaction any job rotations that might be required. Organizing, Maintenance, and Storage/Retention The information acquired is organized and stored in a number of ways. The job applications and CVs are forwarded to the HR department in the HB Plaza from all over the country. These documents are then stored in files and archives for future reference. HBL uses a very comprehensive software named Misys. This software is a business solution and can handle enormous amount of information, create documents, and assist in nearly all kinds of day-to-day operations. The information is stored on the server (data warehouse) in electronic formats. Misys is also responsible for evaluating the monthly salaries of all the employees. This software also has the capability of cost analysis of the HR department on the real-time processing basis. HBL is working on the digitalization of the whole staffing process in which the job applications and CVs acquired will be converted to an electronic format and then stored within the data warehouse/servers. HBL intranet enables the departments to avoid collecting the same information again and updates the content to ensure that the employees are on the right path. Storing and retrieving information is made much easier by the use of Misys as we have already mentioned. Misys effectively transfers all the data to the main server (data warehouse) so that it can only be accessed by the respective persons, providing information security aswell. Information Dissemination and Circulation or Usage In HBL’s HR department the intranet plays an important role in the information dissemination and circulation. Through ‘Internal Job Posting System’, AVPs announce updates, vacancies and send e-mails, job requirements to the rest of the HR department. The circulation of letters and memos is carried out through the internet (e-mails) and messengers are also available for this purpose. The messengers basically are the people who transport the letter from the author to their addressee. Information Deletion Information is never disposed off. All the information is kept on â€Å"Micro Films† for future reference. Micro filming is done by reducing the size of the paper documents and then making mini slides of them which some what like camera film rolls are kept these are then kept in storage rooms Even though this reduces the bulk of paper records it still means that there is a lot of information to store, manage, monitor, and secure. The more information there is the more chances there are for leakages. If for example; a branch manager is not honest and deletes an account of lets say Rs. 10 lakhs. In this way he won’t let anyone know and steal all the money. If this was the case then the bank would have been bankrupt in no time. Therefore, information deletion is not allowed in HBL. On top of that, if any of HBL’s branch is a victim of a terrorist attack or is destroyed in a natural disaster then there should be a proper backup in the Data Warehouse that can provide the relevant information, otherwise if we keep on deleting each and every information then we would be the ones who will be in trouble. Conclusions and Recommendations According to the AVP, Group HR, the organization is taking a U-Turn. After it was privatized in 1997 it was decentralized, now the organization is becoming centralized again to some extent. The Human Resource Department is going to be one single department to handle national and international operations that is the Global HR. As per our evaluation this trend is not going to be suitable for the organization keeping the face pace of the world in mind. This can hamper the management of information in many ways and would eventually lead to inefficiencies and waste of valuable organizational resources. Now we are going to discuss some problems and their solutions concerning the HR Department. We have made all possible revisions to make these recommendations as accurate as possible. These are basically built upon our observation during the visit. Problems: When it comes to planning and acquisition of information resources, the members of the HR department face lack of support from other departments. They are indifferent to then demands of the HR department. Due to this, their functions are usually delayed and very often do not meet the proposed deadlines. The members of HR department have to maintain positive relations with the heads of other departments and always have to be careful to have a general goodwill in the organization. Scrutinizing all detailed CVs and application letters is difficult and time consuming. Costs involved in performing the required functions are very high. Leakages of confidential information may occur. This leakage includes the transfer of company’s important information to other organizations that may be its competitors in the market. Personal grudges within the department create hindrance for some of the employees. Similarly, the presence of favoritism causes some people to receive unfair benefits. Many a times the department receives inappropriate or inaccurate information due to lack of commitment on the part of others. Solutions: To tackle the problem of lack of support the HR department should brief and inform the different department heads about the importance of HR department. They should be made aware of the fact that the ignorance on their part might result in a loss to the whole organization but if they remain considerate, it can provide an overall boost to business effectiveness and employee productivity. To minimize leakage of information or any frauds within the department, clear-cut policies should be stated in the form of a formal booklet or a document which should be given to the employee on day one of his/her job at the company. These policies should mention that any misuse of information resources will result in strict action against the person and transfer of the whole case to the compliance department for further investigations. Instead of receiving and going through unnecessary details in CVs and application letters, they can specify, in the job advertisements, as much as possible as to what exactly are their requirements so that only those candidates apply who are worth hiring. This will save all their resources including time. To reduce costs, workforce management should be automated. This can, for example, include applications that are easy to use, offer self-service capabilities and are integrated with critical enterprise systems. So this company should also implement such an automated system. For example, when it comes to the disposal of obsolete yet confidential information on soft copies, appropriate software should be installed that would automatically delete the respective information after a certain period of time. Similar automation should be implemented in other areas of the department as well. Bibliography †¢ Mr. Syed A. Shahab, AVP, Group HR, HBL †¢ Accounts, MIS and IT Departments †¢ www. habibbankltd. com †¢ www. wikipedia. org †¢ www. misys. com

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